Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Nature Of Strategic Management


we have attend the second lecture of STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT & OPERATION  this week
we have finished two chapter in two hours. it kind of amazing right..hehe..
but the chapter of this week ,
 not difficult to understand , it just straight forward 
such as introduction and the meaning of the word. 
for example in the chapter 1 
strategic management :  the art and science of formulating,implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decision that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.
before I conclude what I understand in the first chapter, i would like to show the book that we will be use the in the subject for the whole seventh semester, which is this book 

this book take 2 weeks to arrive here because the book are from singapore ~..huhu.. Iwill tell what I have understand in the first chapter 
Miss UMI said that intuition which is the sixth sense or gerak hati  is also can be one of the factor of the strategic management and I think what have Miss Umi said was true because I alwayas do that in the examination,,when I do not know which answer do I need to mark..hehe,,well what can I said here that I'm already used the strategic management without I'm realise.. maybe U all too..right,!

the strateic management have 3 stages whichh are 
1 . strategy formulation
2 . strategy implementation
3 . strategy evaluation

strategy formulation what i have understand is the plan..
strategy implementation is what we have plan in the first stage we used it..
the last stages which is strategy evaluation is the stage to know whether the plan in the first stage can be use or not.

I think that all for today ~..

Thursday, September 12, 2013

getting started mingle with blog ~


a very good morning ~

this is my second blog but the first blog was not publish yet and already gone because i do not know what to put in the blog but this new blog name knowledge is worth is created because of the subject strategy management and operation MGB4033 in semester 7 which i in the fourth year that will be teach by Dr. Ummi Salwa Bte Ahmad Bustaman.

normally, in the first class there will be an introduction session because the lecturer no same for all the subject but in this class for the first time the first activity on the first day class was we were required to build the tallest tower using the paper that DR. brought to us and also using the resources that have with us on that day.

we form of four group and there were the tallest tower but the tallest tower and also the most unstable tower..hahaha.. what i have learnt in this activity are the resources are important, if we have the good resources we can build the concrete tower but also the base are more important, if the base are not set up than the building will not stand longer.

that's all for the beginning ~
have a good rest~
may Allah bless us ~